
Say 'Cheers' to your Queensland wholesaler for Plum Wine, Sake, Liqueurs and Beer.

Asian Alcohol

If you have a liquor licence for your bar, restaurant or café, you can purchase authentic Asian alcohol from Big Asia.

And since we’re on the subject, we thought we’d share some of our ‘must try’ alcoholic beverages with you, as well as a bit of backstory for some of them.

Sake is our favourite – we love it! Made from rice, this Japanese drink is iconic. Legend has it that it was mentioned in the 3rd century. Mind literally blown, particularly if you drink too much of it!

Soju is the Korean equivalent of Sake which is believed to have first appeared in the 13th century. It’s usually served in short measures but can also be added to beer. Yep – beer. We have yet to try this but never say never.

Not many people know this, but Midori is a Japanese alcoholic drink. This melon-based liqueur has become a staple ingredient in cocktails and has been around since the 1960s, so not quite as old as sake. It certainly adds a splash of colour to a beverage though and for that reason, we keep it as standard in our bar at home.

Wholesale Authentic Asian


If you want to keep your commercial bar stocked with your favourite Asian alcoholic beverages, we can deliver to your door. Often heavy when bought in bulk, we’ll save you the hassle of collecting it. So, whether you’re in Cairns, Townsville, out at the Isa or anywhere in between, get in touch and we’ll place your order.

The finest Asian brands

Your secret ingredient

Screen experience is one thing, but nothing will ever beat real life. For the full Big Asia experience and the biggest choice, visit us at our supermarket or warehouse today, or just give us a call. It’s time you discovered why we are the number one choice for Asian groceries in the region.

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